Peace by other means: the role of digital platforms in the war

The conflict in Ukraine represents the first conventional war in which disruptive technologies and digital platforms play a key role. In a series of online talks, the Global Peace Tech Hub discusses the different ways in which digital technologies and technology platforms can contribute to the promotion of peace and build new bridges between citizens in Europe and the world. This first session approaches the topic from the perspective of information warfare, strategies against disinformation and the use of digital platforms to fight war and build peace.




  • Lauri Tierala | Programme Director, European Digital Media Observatory
  • Aleksandra Przegalinska | Vice Rector at Kozminski University, Harvard LWP Senior Research Associate & 2022 SwissCognitive Ambassador
  • Caleb Gichuhi, Africa Lead, Build Up


  • Hubert Etienne | Computational Philospher conducting research in AI ethics and computational social sciences for social networks.


  • Kalypso Nicolaidis | Chair of International Affairs, EUI School of Transnational Governance

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