The Global PeaceTech Hub launches the KluzPrize for distinguished PeaceTech Initiatives
The KluzPrize for PeaceTech rewards researchers and practitioners who, through their applied research and innovative projects, study or exploit the opportunities offered by emerging technologies to have a positive impact on peace and cooperation across borders. The award consists of € 15,000 destined to the development of applied research or project proposal in the field of emerging technologies for peace, as indicated in the submitted proposal. The winner(s) will be invited to Florence to receive the award on the second day of the Global PeaceTech Conference 2022, which will be held at the European University Institute, Badia Fiesolana in Fiesole, Italy, on 21 and 22 November 2022. The winner(s) will have the opportunity to attend the conference and meet other peacebuilders, policy makers, technology companies and PeaceTech experts.
The KluzPrize for PeaceTech powered by Kluz Ventues is organised in the context of the Global PeaceTech Hub based at EUI School of Transnational Governance in Florence, Italy. Artur Kluz, founder and CEO of Kluz Ventures, is an ardent believer that breakthrough technologies should be used to improve lives and build peace. The Global PeaceTech Hub brings together academics, practitioners, and stakeholders from the public and private sector, to foster and accelerate policy reflection on the use and regulation of technology to enhance peace and cooperation at the transnational level. The EUI School of Transnational Governance is a platform for innovation in public policy education and training and a forum for policy experimentation on governance beyond borders
July 15, 2022
Applications open
October 15, 2022
Final decision
Communication of the final decision to the winner(s) and invitation to the award ceremony
November 22, 2022
Award ceremony
During the second day of the Global PeaceTech Conference 2022
May, 2023
Final report
Presentation of final project report in a dedicated in-person or online event.