At the first Annual Conference of the Global PeaceTech Hub, experts and practicioners will discuss how technology can enhance peace at the global level. During the conference, the KluzPrize for PeaceTech will be awarded.
The first Global PeaceTech Conference will bring together experts and representatives from different PeaceTech Labs, research institutes, non-profit organisations, governments and companies. They will discuss how technology can enhance peace at the global level and how investment in PeaceTech can help achieve short-term and long-term peace.
Topics addressed include matching algorithms and digital identities for refugee management; predictive analytics for peace, peaceful digital ecosystems; cyber diplomacy; ethics of human rights in tech governance; satellite and space-tech for peace; peace engineering and investments in technologies of peace.
This is an invitation-only event organised by the Global PeaceTech Hub. However, on the second day of the conference, three parallel sessions will be open to the public. Click on the following links to discover more and register:
- Towards Ethical Design and Implementation of AI in Peacebuilding
- Cyber Peace: Cooperating for the Stability and Security of the Cyber domain
- PeaceTech toolkit for peacebuilding in the 21st century
During the conference, the KluzPrize for PeaceTech will be awarded to researchers and practitioners whose applied research and innovative projects aim to explore or harness the potential of new technologies to positively impact peace and cooperation across borders. Artur Kluz, founder and CEO of Kluz Ventures, is an ardent believer that breakthrough technologies should be used to improve lives and build peace. Investments in these technologies can promote a global culture of genuine human growth that meets the current and future needs of all people, serving as an inspiration for future generations.
For more information please contact Michele Giovanardi.
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